What Really Matters?

This song is one of my favorites from Larnelle Harris – it’s called In a Way that Matters.  It’s just a great song (and a prayer) about wanting to have a meaningful life.


Change your life, jump out of a plane….

Change your life, jump out of a plane….

I didn’t write this blog, but I think it’s “right on” and I wanted to share it with you.  I did write something about this subject the other day however, in my blog that suggested this:  in order to get out of a rut you have to do something RADICAL.  Jump out of a plane, go to Africa on a safari, quit your job and volunteer at the local hospital, and on and on.  The point is to do something totally different than what you’ve been doing.  So if you’ve been sitting at a computer the way I have for heaven KNOWS how many years……maybe it would be a good idea to get up and go do something radically different.


Momentum changer

If nothing seems to be going right, break the pattern by getting yourself going right. When momentum is pushing you backwards, make the choice to create some positive, forward-directed momentum.

Just because a few negative things have happened to you, doesn’t mean you’re having a bad day. It means you have the opportunity to make a meaningful positive difference in the direction of the day.

Instead of agonizing over the setbacks and disappointments, get energized and enthusiastic about the good things you can now do. Get energized and then get busy actually doing those things, taking positive action and getting positive results.

Be a momentum changer. Although the day may have started out in an unfortunate direction, that can end right now with you.

Any negative pattern you experience can only continue if you let it. Don’t let it.

Stop the negative pattern, change the momentum and transform the whole day by choosing positive action. You have the power to be a momentum changer, so use that power to the benefit of yourself and all those around you.

 Ralph Marston

Technology to blow your mind….

Sometimes when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of negative things that we hear about everyday, it makes me feel better to know that people are out there inventing incredible things to make this world a MUCH better place.  So check this out:

The Shroud of Turin: What does science say about Jesus?

The Shroud of Turin: What does science say about Jesus?

This article is going to blow your mind and hopefully give you some faith…or at the very least, perhaps it will make you think and wonder if there’s not something more out there than what we currently understand through our current level of science.

Part I: The Prince of Peace

Akiane’s painting of Jesus painted when she was only 8 years old.

Have you ever heard the story of Akiane’s Jesus?  Here’s a synopsis of the story:

“Akiane (is the name of a little girl whose) name måeans ocean in Lithuanian.  She and her siblings were homeschooled for the most part and they had no television and few books, so when she began telling her family about seeing visions at age four, they were fairly certain what she was experiencing was not a result of outside influences.

Akiane began to sketch and write poetry at age four, advanced to painting at six and writing poetry at seven. Her first completed self-portrait sold for $10,000. A large portion of the money generated from art sales is donated by Kramarik to charities. According to Akiane, her art is inspired by her visions of heaven and her personal connection with God. “I am a self-taught painter,” she told Children’s Digest. “God is my teacher.”

Akiane explained to her family that God gave her the visions and abilities to create her artwork and poetry, which must have come as quite a shock since both her parents were atheists at the time Akiane’s painting of Jesus painted when she was only 8 years old.. They later converted to Christianity on account of Kramarik’s paintings and visions. More than art was happening in their home. “Simultaneous with art was a spiritual awakening,” Akiane’s mother, Forelli Kramarik, told Christianity Today. “It all began to happen when she started to share her dreams and visions.”

You can read the entire incredible story here.

Part II:  Heaven is for Real

There was this little boy from Nebraska who had a near death experience and his dad wrote a book called: “Heaven is for real.”  This what happened.  When that little boy had his near death experience his parents started to notice that he’d talk about things that they knew he had never been taught or been exposed to……he was only 3 years, 10 months old.  heaven-is-for-realLittle by little his parents realized that he had some kind of heavenly visitation or experience and had seen Jesus.  So every time the little boy’s parents would see a painting of Jesus they’d ask him  “is this what Jesus looked like?”.  Over and over and over again he would say no, no, no….a hundred times he said NO that’s not what Jesus looked like.  Then they showed him the picture of “Akiane’s Jesus” and didn’t tell him where it came from and he said YES, that’s what Jesus looked like.  (By the way, this book has been made into a movie that was released in 2014).

Part III: Can Science Prove Christianity?

The History Channel did a piece last year about the Shroud of Turin….The History Channel and a group of scientists that specialized in developing software that was developed to create

This is the digitally created image that resulted from the analysis of the Shroud.

This is the digitally created image that resulted from the analysis of the Shroud.

3D images out of 2D surfaces (such as photos taken of planetary bodies) studied the Shroud of Turin.  They used a photograph of the Shroud of Turn and ran it through this highly specialized software developed by the Air Force and Nasa.  They discovered that the photo of the Shroud of Turin was completely unique and different than any other photo they had ever examined.  They said that the photo looks the way it does because it’s not a 2d picture….but rather it’s the data needed to create a 3d image and so they used the 3d data from the image and created a 3d computer generated image of the man who was covered by the shroud.  (incidentally they said they discovered that the image on the shroud was NOT created with a liquid or paint because of the way that the image sits on top of the threads and they believed that the image was made from some kind of light).  They took every aspect of the event and shroud into consideration and even analyzed how the cloth would have laid on the face of “the crucified person”, etc.   This is the 3D image that they came up with:



OK now look at them next to each other:

iPhoto Library.photolibrary

The image on the left is is the digitally created image that resulted from the analysis of the Shroud; the image on the right is Akain’s painting of Jesus.


The only difference I see is the color of the eyes and the History Channel scientists were just guessing at the eye color, since that info wasn’t extractable from the Shroud.

Why is it so hard for people to accept the possibility that there’s something more “out there” than what we can prove with Newtonian Physics?  Whoever you are….you don’t have to believe 100%….just try to open the doors to your heart and let in a little bit of “possibility” in from the other side.

Please follow me and if you want to talk to me post a note…..I would be more than happy to discuss this issue with you.  Thank you and God bless you,  Emily


How Einstien’s Twin Paradox Supports the Book of Genesis

How Einstien’s Twin Paradox Supports the Book of Genesis

Can we prove that God really did create the heavens & the earth in just 6 days?

The first book of the Bible, as most people know, is Genesis.  Genesis 1:1-31 describes God’s creation of the heavens, the earth and all the things in it including man & woman which it says was completed in 6 days.  Growing up in an agnostic family revealed to me that this is a huge stumbling block for non-Christians.  How could God have created all the intricacies of life and earth and the universe just in 6 days when “everyone knows” the earth was created over billions of years?

Most Christians take this on FAITH and just try to ignore the fact that their non-Christian friends think it’s ridiculous – but not many of us have a good response to this question when our non-believing friends bring it up. This conflicts dramatically with our God given mandate to evangelize and encourage others to recognize & know the love of God. How do we talk to our “unsaved” family members about this particular (perceived) stumbling point in the Holy Scripture?  Most of us don’t understand why there’s this discrepancy between our beliefs and what modern day science says, but we trust God when He said He did all this in just 6 days and that’s enough for us (and by the way there are a few issues like this in the Bible that Christians take on faith and chalk up to the fact that there are things that we will never really be able to understand until we come face to face with God at the Pearly Gates.  There’s nothing wrong with taking things on faith and as a matter of fact that’s all Jesus ever asked us to do – to just have the faith of a mustard seed).  HOWEVER there is something wrong with that if it keeps people from believing in God and subsequently we need a way to address this as Christians.  So consider this (bear with me please while i give you a few basics about the Theory of Relativity and Time Dilation – I promise there’s a point to this):

From Wikipedia: “In physics, Einstein’s twin paradox is a thought experiment in special relativity involving identical twins, one of whom makes a journey into space in a high-speed rocket and returns home to find that the twin who remained on Earth has aged more.” and “In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an actual difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving relative to each other or differently situated from gravitational masses.”  So in other words, time changes (or “dilates”) based on gravity – it slows down with increased gravity and increases with reduced gravity. So time, for the climber at the top of a mountain (further from earth’s center of gravity) moves faster than the time for the hiker at the bottom of the mountain (or closer to the Earth’s center of gravity).  Time also changes based on velocity: “When two observers are in relative uniform motion and uninfluenced by any gravitational mass, the point of view of each will be that the other’s (moving) clock is ticking at a slower rate than the local clock. The faster the relative velocity, the greater the magnitude of time dilation. This case is sometimes called special relativistic time dilation.”

Time Dilation theory suggests that gravity and relative velocity influence space time.  Is it possible that God’s position in relationship to man on earth influenced the way time was described and accounted for by Him in the Holy Scriptures?

So to conclude, I admit that I don’t know enough about the Theory of Relativity and Time Dilation to properly debate the subject -but I just wanted to plant a little seed (a mustard seed?) of possibility in your mind about this. After all, all science starts with a hypothesis and I’m just suggesting that we open our minds and admit that there are things in the universe that we don’t yet understand. And if we’re going to debate the issue honestly and intelligently, we shouldn’t close our minds off to any possibility.  So, is it possible that God really did create the earth and everything in it in 6 days FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE?