Proof that thoughts influence health… and more.

“When your heart is open to possibilities,
you start to notice small things that can lead to enormous discoveries”
(Masaru Emoto “The Hidden Messages in Water”).
I’ve noticed lately…..after being stuck in a huge rut for AT LEAST the last 20 years……that once I opened the door to a new experience just a little bit, that the discoveries started to come at me at an accelerated rate. I’ve started to learn more and discover more each and every day.
Yesterday I received two books I bought from Amazon (both by Masaru Emoto” who wrote these books about water. He discovered that when he spoke positive words, like LOVE, the water formed crystals that were perfect, colorful & beautiful or when he spoke negative words like “Hate” the crystals that formed were imperfect, dull and ugly).
His publisher’s opening statement said:
“This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs & water that has been exposed to loving words show brilliant complex and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water or water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health”
The author himself goes on to say “Modern researchers have shown that the condition of the mind has a direct impact on the condition of the body.” I believe this is true and I’m going to start to write about this on a consistent basis…… I want to make this discovery WITH YOU….and together we can figure out what we have to do or think or say to change our lives and our health and to find the happiness that all humans search for their whole lives.
This is all for day as I’m super busy BUT I am going to write more as often as I can and as frequently as I discover these incredible new things. PLEASE join me….and please invite your loved ones that you want to take along for this ride.
To conclude….let me say consider that we as humans start out as 90% water when we’re infants, then we gradually decrease our water content until we end up at about 70% in a health adult. Imagine that if simple THOUGHTS and WORDS can influence the structure of water, and we’re made up of WATER…..then isn’t it safe to say that those negative or positive words are influencing our health and who we are? Next time….what else are we influencing with our negative thoughts? (or bank accounts? Our love lives? Our lot in life?)
God bless you all and talk to you soon. Emily
(please comment….I so very much want to talk to each and every one of you…THANK YOU).
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