Dream a new dream…

To start something new or to gain some forward momentum in your life it’s important to first think of something you’d like to do. If you’re anything like me, you got caught up in work and family and life in general, and you can’t even remember what your dreams were when you were young. No time to fret over that……just look forward. So step one in a new life is to dream a new dream – think of something new you’d like to do no matter how weird it sounds for a 95 year old to start medical school or an overweight middle aged housewife to begin ballet classes. WHO CARES? I mean really – do you really care what anyone else thinks? And quite frankly in my book if someone else thinks you can’t do it- all the more reason TO DO IT. Use that negativity as a motivating force to get you moving towards your dream.
So step one – dream a new dream. Make a list of all the things you have ever wanted to do and throw in a few things you just realized you want to do. Then review and refine the list by crossing off the things you’re less than enthused about and settle on one or two things that you want to accomplish. Perhaps you want to learn a new language or improve on an old one? Maybe your goal is to lose weight or become comfortable in your own skin (whatever weight that might be). Or maybe you have always wanted to write a book? If so start off with a blog – you can write whatever you want (apparently, ha) and there’s no one to stop you or tell you you’re not good at it. Your dream can and should be anything you want it to be and it doesn’t matter if it seems absurd. Just give yourself permission to dream or to do whatever you want to do. The point is to just dream a new dream and get started on your new life. That’s the first step in the sequence of many steps that will make up your future.
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