Do we live Life in a bubble?

Do you have family or friends that don’t believe in God who are scientifically minded & who consider talk about God a waste of time? I have a short story about how an idea about a bubble can help you to talk to your relatives about the existence of God. Keep in mind that it’s not necessarily our job as Christians to fully convince the people we witness to that God exists. It’s our job to introduce the subject to them; to simply open a door and then the Holy Spirit will do the rest of the work.
Let me explain….if you think about it, we live in a sort of bubble. We experience the world via our senses. Our eyes, ears and other senses are magnificent in structure & design and help us to understand the universe and its intricacies. Our ears can hear so many things – a lover’s whisper, a bird’s song, a screaming baby and a symphony. However, as incredible as our senses are, we can’t hear even half of what a dog can hear. A dog’s sense of hearing is 100 times more sensitive than ours and they can hear all sorts of frequencies and tones that we can only confirm exist by using sophisticated electrical equipment. That equipment shows us that just because we can’t hear those things doesn’t mean they don’t exist. We can’t hear those frequencies, but they are there just the same. In the same way we have to admit that there might be other things out there in the world that exist that just cannot be sensed by our limited senses. Just because we can’t hear the things the dog hears, doesn’t mean they don’t exist and just because we can’t see heaven or God doesn’t mean they don’t exist either.
For my argument to be just and honorable, I have to admit that it doesn’t prove there is a God. But what it does do is that it opens the possibility of a God. It opens a crack in a door that lets in the POSSIBILITY THAT SOMETHING ELSE EXISTS. That opening is then the crack through which the Holy Spirit will enter and do his work and sometimes a crack in a door is all it takes.
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- ???? - ???? This short article gives the light in which we can observe the reality.
I cannot tell you how strangely happy it makes me to know that you (and others) read my words AND LIKED THEM. The author I spoke about in my post (Martha Beck) says that while all humans are connected, sometimes we encounter one or two that are “Liked minded.” When you do – (she said) – you feel like grabbing them, shaking them and saying “YOU, YOU, YOU!!!!” (in other words “I finally found you!!!!) I feel that way about you…thank you for shining a little light on my heart. Emily