Our forgotton connection with the animal world…..

I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of stories about near death experiences and nearly all of them describe a “life review” of all the bad and good things we’ve done in our lives. I’ve heard it’s like a 3-d movie in the most incredible detail…like you’re actually there seeing what you do and to whom. However, it was only recently that I read about an NDE that described a life review where the person involved was shown not only the kind and unkind things he had done to other humans, but also the kind and unkind things he had done to animals. It does make me stop and think.
Please check out this short story about a humpback whale that was caught in a nylon net off the coast of Baja California and some people who came along to save it. Watch them soak up the love that the whale shows them after they spent over an hour trying to release the whale from captivity. Then consider how you interact with animals and what influence they have in your life. (btw not sure why this isn’t appearing as a video here but it’s just a link to You Tube).
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