Change your mind…..Change your life.

I get these emails from Ralph S. Marston, Jr. every day called “The Daily Motivator (see email and credits below).

I’m often amazed that the writer can think of another interesting and new thing to say after 365 days!  Today’s message is a particularly good one so when you’re done with my blog, see the message below.

I read a book once…It was about the power of positive thinking and this little story was in it:

A couple had neighbors who had a patio light on in the back yard that shone into their bedroom window and kept them up all night.  It was a huge source of frustration & stress for them both.  To make things worse they had been fighting with the neighbors over it for years and asked them time and time again to turn it off at night, but with no luck.  As a result they spent a lot of time cursing out their neighbors and complaining about how horrible it was to live next to them.

Fortunately one of them read a book about how what we think and say can influence our lives.  So the couple decided to try something different; they changed their methods.  The first night they started praying (or thinking positively) about their neighbors…sending feelings of love their way and wishing the best for them (instead of griping about them under their breath). Of course it was hard to turn off the part of their minds that thought how much they disliked these people….but they thought “well what have we got to lose?  Let’s at least TRY to think positively about them.” So, they said their little prayer and went to bed….the VERY NEXT NIGHT the patio light went off and never came on again.

Whether you believe in the power of positive thinking or not….sometimes we just keep banging our heads up against the same problems over and over again when what we really need is a new approach and a new perspective.  If you find yourself with the same problems you had last week or even last year perhaps it’s time to try something new.  I don’t think you’d disagree that it wouldn’t hurt to TRY it at least, just to see what would happen.

Einstein said:

Insanity: is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.   Albert Einstein. 

And isn’t that the truth!

My father, Andy Andros, was a brilliant man with a good heart as big as a house.  He used to say this no matter how many problems he had and no matter how gloomy or grey the day was:  “This is the happiest day of my life” and truly IT IS.  That ability to put things into perspective and find JOY in the good things, every day of your lives ,is really one of the most important discoveries you can make.

Here is the email I was referring to earlier in my message:


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Send love


Instead of sending anger, send love. Instead of filling your mind with worry or frustration, fill your thoughts with love.

Send genuine love to those who support you. Send genuine love to those who disagree with you.

Let go of the need to get the last word, or to get even or to prove yourself. Send love, and you’ll find yourself living with unassailable strength and effectiveness.

Send love, and feel your anxiety melt away. Send love, and experience life at its highest level.

When you’re not sure what to do, do what is authentic, honest and caring. Move forward with love, for yourself, for life, and for others, and you’ll be moving toward good and valuable things.

Live a life that is real, and rich, and full. Send love, and live the best there is.

Ralph Marston


The above message entitled “Send love” is the Daily Motivator email edition written by Ralph S. Marston, Jr. and he deserves all the credit for it!  Why don’t you consider signing up for his daily message by clicking on the link below.

Copyright (C) 2013 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.

Visit The Daily Motivator web site at for an archive of more than 5,000 daily messages, inspirational photos and more.


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  1. The Brand X Agency
    Jun 22, 2013

    I cannot tell you how strangely happy it makes me to know that you (and others) read my words AND LIKED THEM. The author I spoke about in my post (Martha Beck) says that while all humans are connected, sometimes we encounter one or two that are “Liked minded.” When you do – (she said) – you feel like grabbing them, shaking them and saying “YOU, YOU, YOU!!!!” (in other words “I finally found you!!!!) I feel that way about you…thank you for shining a little light on my heart. Many blessings to you, precious soul. Emily

  2. The Brand X Agency
    Jun 22, 2013

    Thank you so much for reading my blog and for recommending it to your sister…..I can’t tell you how strangely happy that makes me. Thank you and many blessings, Emily

  3. The Brand X Agency
    Jun 22, 2013

    You know so many times in life i think to myself…..WE NEED TO LIFT EACH OTHER UP instead of tearing each other down. Your words lifted me up and I thank you for that. Many blessings to you and hopefully you will read more in the future. Emily

  4. The Brand X Agency
    Jun 22, 2013

    Thank you so much for your kind words…..I was just saying to another reader that in life so many times we tear each other down, but you lifted me up and I thank you for that. Warm regards, Emily (in Miami)

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