
Messages from water and beyond…..

OK guys I wasn't going to start writing again now but I feel COMPELLED to share this with you NOW!  I want to make a conscious effort to say more positive words. Because the fact remains that if we are made up of between 60 to 70% water, and this water is influenced...

How can we save the world?

A few weeks ago, the E.U. decided to give Glyphosate another ten-year round to destroy Earth’s delicate ecosystems further. Or what’s left to destroy. Hurai, another win for Bayer/Monsanto, the anti-earth lobby AKA extraction capitalism at the cost of all of us.  Am I...

Do we live Life in a bubble?

Do you have family or friends that don't believe in God who are scientifically minded & who consider talk about God a waste of time? I have a short story about how an idea about a bubble can help you to talk to your relatives about the existence of God. Keep in...

The Shroud of Turin: What does science say about Jesus?

This article is going to blow your mind and hopefully give you some faith...or at the very least, perhaps it will make you think and wonder if there's not something more out there than what we currently understand through our current level of science. Part I: The...

Change your mind…..Change your life.

I get these emails from Ralph S. Marston, Jr. every day called "The Daily Motivator (see email and credits below). I'm often amazed that the writer can think of another interesting and new thing to say after 365 days!  Today's message is a particularly good one so...

Dream a new dream…

Getting started....taking the first step.....staring at a blank page.....this is the hardest part of starting anything new.  Those of us who have been on the planet a few years may WANT to go from being frozen to forward motion - but how do we do that?  I've written...

Pain & Inflammation: NSAIDS or Narcotics?

Doctors have recommended nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen to relieve acute inflammation for decades. But does short-term relief—and interfering with the body’s natural healing process—come at the cost of chronic pain? Pain from a minor...

Hard Choices….

A Letter from Geert Wilders, a Member of the Dutch Parliament.   In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: "Who lost Europe ?" Here is the speech of Geert Wilders, Chairman, Party for Freedom the Netherlands , at the Four Seasons in New York , introducing...

Can we even eat clean?

Giving Credit where credit is due!!  This article reprinted with the permission of Dr. Robert Malone: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/well-being-eating-clean-drinking As more evidence on the dangers of ingesting glyphosate as well as other herbicides and pesticides...

Life after death or just wishful thinking?

There has been an ongoing debate between the scientific & spiritual worlds about when life ends and if there is an afterlife or not. Scientists of all types often explain what's happening to people who report they've experienced an NDE (or Near Death Experience)...

Vaccine Concerns

Should we ask questions about COVID-19 Vaccination?   I've told my friends, family & acquaintances about 100 times each that they should get the C0vid Vaccine if they feel comfortable with it.  However, I have also asked questions about the vaccine and been...

Can the lessons of history save the USA?

This article was written a few years ago...you tell me if this looks familiar now: IF ONLY WE WERE A REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.....IF ONLY... In 1887  Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at  the University of Edinburgh , had this to say  about the fall of...

Science & Faith

Incredible Things….

Upliftings Things…

Pain & Inflammation: NSAIDS or Narcotics?

Doctors have recommended nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen to relieve acute inflammation for decades. But does short-term relief—and interfering with the body’s natural healing process—come at the cost of chronic pain? Pain from a minor...

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Life after death or just wishful thinking?

Life after death or just wishful thinking?

There has been an ongoing debate between the scientific & spiritual worlds about when life ends and if there is an afterlife or not. Scientists of all types often explain what's happening to people who report they've experienced an NDE (or Near Death Experience)...

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Vaccine Concerns

Should we ask questions about COVID-19 Vaccination?   I've told my friends, family & acquaintances about 100 times each that they should get the C0vid Vaccine if they feel comfortable with it.  However, I have also asked questions about the vaccine and been...

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Do we live Life in a bubble?

Do we live Life in a bubble?

Do you have family or friends that don't believe in God who are scientifically minded & who consider talk about God a waste of time? I have a short story about how an idea about a bubble can help you to talk to your relatives about the existence of God. Keep in...

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What Really Matters?

This song is one of my favorites from Larnelle Harris - it's called In a Way that Matters.  It's just a great song (and a prayer) about wanting to have a meaningful life. https://youtu.be/yMe53kXUNfU

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Some Incredible Music from a guy in Israel….

Some Incredible Music from a guy in Israel….

I hired this guy on "Fiver" to write this song for me....so he said i could share it with you.  Let me say however that his full album on iTunes is INCREDIBLE - go buy it.  It's called Secret Whispers and the artist's names are:  Samuel Gatlyn and Gabriel Leonhard.

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Messages from water and beyond…..

Messages from water and beyond…..

OK guys I wasn't going to start writing again now but I feel COMPELLED to share this with you NOW!  I want to make a conscious effort to say more positive words. Because the fact remains that if we are made up of between 60 to 70% water, and this water is influenced...

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Can the lessons of history save the USA?

Can the lessons of history save the USA?

This article was written a few years ago...you tell me if this looks familiar now: IF ONLY WE WERE A REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.....IF ONLY... In 1887  Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at  the University of Edinburgh , had this to say  about the fall of...

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Technology to blow your mind….

Sometimes when I'm feeling overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of negative things that we hear about everyday, it makes me feel better to know that people are out there inventing incredible things to make this world a MUCH better place.  So check this out:...

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The Secret world of Animal Intelligence…

The Secret world of Animal Intelligence…

I found this story yesterday and checked to make sure it was legit.....but the results were inconclusive.  So let me know if you find out otherwise....BTW I'm so tired of being duped by Hollywood.....we all do have to be careful that we're not just trudging along like...

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Measuring daylight with your fingers…

Measuring daylight with your fingers…

I admit this has nothing to do with the price of tea in China (so don't let this be the only blog posting of mine your read...PLEASE) but it's cool and I haven't had time to write in the last few days so I thought I'd share this with ya!!!!  Keep thinking...

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The Price of Obamacare

The Price of Obamacare

I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating the coming implementation of the health care bill. I could not finish my breakfast. This is what ensued: They were a diverse group of several races and...

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Change your mind…..Change your life.

I get these emails from Ralph S. Marston, Jr. every day called "The Daily Motivator (see email and credits below). I'm often amazed that the writer can think of another interesting and new thing to say after 365 days!  Today's message is a particularly good one so...

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Dream a new dream…

Dream a new dream…

Getting started....taking the first step.....staring at a blank page.....this is the hardest part of starting anything new.  Those of us who have been on the planet a few years may WANT to go from being frozen to forward motion - but how do we do that?  I've written...

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Freedom isn’t Free…

Freedom isn’t Free…

This isn't my story, but it's a story that needs to be told, so I"m "reprinting" it here: Attached is a copy of a speech by Eric Saul, US Army historian, given at the ceremony to honor Medal of Honor winners William K. Nakamura and James Okubo in Seattle on March 25,...

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Change your life, jump out of a plane….

Change your life, jump out of a plane….

I didn't write this blog, but I think it's "right on" and I wanted to share it with you.  I did write something about this subject the other day however, in my blog that suggested this:  in order to get out of a rut you have to do something RADICAL.  Jump out of a...

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Jot of Joy

Jot of Joy

By putting yourself in unfamiliar situations, you'll see things with fresh eyes, and solutions you may never have noticed will crop up, one after another, until you realize that you've just had a very, very bright idea, one that might just help you realize your...

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Does what we think influence what happens to us?

Does what we think influence what happens to us?

The other day I said to my sister "What would happen if I parked in a Handicap parking spot and then got a ticket?"  She said "Oh that would never happen...forget it about it" and I went on about my business. Literally the next day I pulled into Best Buy and for some...

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The beauty in life far outweighs the pain…..

The beauty in life far outweighs the pain…..

  I could talk all day on the subject of pain and fear - because unfortunately I've become intimately aware of the former and often found myself fighting against the latter.  Fear and Hate and Anger and the resulting pain is very pervasive in the world we live...

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